Rates will vary based on the number of people in the room with the higher rate applied when a room is occupied by just 1 or 2 people. In general, we do not ask you to share with strangers so you or your group will have sole use of your room. However, for some specific events, eg the TGO Challenge or the Aviemore Half Marathon, that attract a high number of single bookings, we may ask you to share. We will warn you if this is the case when you book and will not ask a person to share with a member of a different gender who is not known to them.
4 bedded room - 2 or more nights
1 or 2 people - £35 per person per night
3 or 4 people - £25 per person per night
2 bedded room - 2 or more nights
1 person - £35 per night
2 people - £25 per person per night
Walkers, cyclists and kayakers
Being distance walkers ourselves we appreciate the need for one night stays so anyone travelling under their own steam is welcome to stay for a single night but there will be an additional charge of £5 per person for night.
Whole Hostel bookings - exclusive use of the hostel and all it facilities.
Sunday to Thursday - £180 per night
Friday, Saturday and Bank Holidays - £200 per night
Longer stays 20% discount on stays of 6 days or longer
Dogs: Furry friends with well behaved owners welcome, at an additional charge of £15 per dog. Please tell us when you book if you are bring your dog(s). We ask that you don't leave them unattended in the hostel or garden and pick up and deposits left in the garden and put them in the green bin. If you are sharing the hostel with others you must check everyone else staying is happy before allowing your dog in the communal area.
Please try to keep on top of any dog hair in the building by using your own blankets on furniture and using the vacuum cleaner when needed. You will need to bring your own dog bed, bowls and poo bags. You might meet Ali & Adrian's border terrier, Basil during your stay.
Payment: We will ask for payment when you book by BACS transfer or, if this is not possible, by cheque. We do not take card payments as the charges remain too high.
Cancellations: If you cancel more that 28 days before you are due to arrive we will refund your payment. Within 28 days we will refund only if we manage to let your room(s) again.